With most colleges receiving more applications than they have seats, the college essay is your student’s chance to put a personal face to the grades and scores. The college essay has the potential to sway an admissions committee when candidates are identical in every other respect, or even when your scores aren’t of the same caliber.
A college essay coach has the experience to help candidates select and write on themes that represent them best. They leverage years of experience to help college applicants craft the essay in the most lucid, yet powerful and evocative, style. College essay coaches can help students produce essays that are game changers.
A Road Map to Writing Proficiency
Our aspiring elementary and middle school authors use an interactive, multi-sensory approach that makes writing fun and the craft of writing easily learned.
High school is all about writing. The more you do it, the better you get.
Mobile and Whatsapp (630) 915-8654
1049 Victoria Lane, Glendale Heights, IL 60139