American University, DC
Benedictine University, IL
Boston College, MA
Boston University, MA
Bradley University, IL
Bowdoin College, ME
Central Michigan University, MI
Clemson University, SC
Colby College, ME
Columbia University, NY
Cornell University, NY
DePaul University, IL
Duke University, NC
Elmhurst University, IL
Georgia State University, GA
Georgia College, GA
Georgia Tech, GA
Hampshire College, MA
IIT, Chicago, IL
Indiana University, Kelly School of Business, IN
Johns Hopkin, MD
Kennesaw State University, GA
Knox College, IL
Loyola University, IL
Miami of Ohio, OH
Marquette University, WI
McGill University (Canada)
Mercer University, GA
Meyers University, GA
Miami University, OH
Michigan State, MI
Norte Dame, IN
Northeastern (Boston), MA
Northwestern University, IL
Northern Illinois University, IL
Princeton, NJ
Purdue University, IN
Rollins College, FL
Smith College
Texas A&M, Mays Business School
Tufts, MA
Tulane University, LA
University of Central Florida
University of Georgia, GA
University of Illinois, Chicago
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
University of Iowa, IA
University of Miami, Florida, FL
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
University of Maryland, MD
University of Minnesota, MN
University of Missouri, MO
University of New Hampshire, NH
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
University of Texas, Austin, TX
University of Virginia, VA
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
University of Washington, Bothel, WA
Vanderbilt, TN
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Western Michigan University, MI
Your essay can improve your chances of acceptance. With most colleges receiving more applications than they have seats, the college essay is your chance to put a personal face to the grades and scores. The college essay has the potential to sway an admissions committee when candidates are identical in every other respect, or even when your scores aren’t of the same caliber.
A college essay coach has the experience to help candidates select and write on themes that represent them best. They leverage years of experience to help applicants craft the essay in the most lucid, yet powerful and evocative, style. College essay coaches can help students produce essays that are game changers.
Further, while the number of college applicants increase yearly, universities have set even higher standards for admissions. 2020 acceptance rates at some selective schools:
Columbia – 10.9%
Duke University - 9%
Georgia Tech – 20.6%
MIT - 6.7%
Northwestern- 6.8%
Tufts – 15%
University of California, Berkeley - 16.3%
Applicants email or upload their college essay draft to a shared Dropbox or via Google Docs. It is reviewed for content, assessed as to whether it makes for a competitive essay (given the school they hope to attend), clarity, craft, and authenticity of voice. Depending on the strength of the essay, a discussion as to the choice of topic may not be required. Utilizing feedback, the candidate edits the essay to ensure it is insightful, authentic and written in the most evocative language. Editing, proofing and rewrites are all part of this process.
College applicants may or may not have a draft. A discussion is scheduled to sift through their experiences and personal stories to determine what would make a most compelling college essay. Applicants may even be advised to change their topic, if needed. Students incorporate their most insightful and relevant anecdotes into the college essay during rewrites. Besides compelling content, attention is paid to the craft of writing, clarity, and authenticity of voice. Editing, proofing and rewrites are all part of this process.
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1049 Victoria Lane, Glendale Heights, IL 60139